“8仙過大海” 系列 / The "8 Immortals Crossing the Sea" series
作品名稱: “8仙過大海” 系列作 / The "8 Immortals Crossing the Sea" series
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“8仙過大海” 系列作品,來自於中國知名的“8仙過海”傳說而發展 在港澳地區有一句話 [過大海],意思是去澳門賭博的意思,,因港澳只有一海之隔非常近. 澳門除了博彩業外,也積極地發展非博彩元素的旅遊業 (美食, 休閒娛樂, 文化古蹟等) 。 因此,遊客對澳門來說是非常重要的一環, 特別在經歷疫情後更為明顯;而旅客來澳數量, 更是令澳門起死回生的重要因素,以旅客來比喻 “仙人” 也不跨張。8仙過海中主要有8個人物, 他們都是由凡人得道成仙,而作品中以原故事的人物為原型,創作出8隻由流浪猫修道成仙的仙猫;猫本身自帶距離感,但又能與人保持一定的情感連結;和人與仙的關係有著相似性。
The "8 Immortals Crossing the Sea" series is based on the famous Chinese legend of "8 Immortals Crossing the Sea."There is a saying in Hong Kong and Macau [crossing the sea], which means to go to Macau to gamble, because Hong Kong and Macau are very close to each other.In addition to gambling, Macao is also actively developing tourism with non-gaming elements (food, leisure and entertainment, cultural relics, etc.) Therefore, visitors to Macau is a very important part, especially after experiencing the epidemic more obvious.The number of visitors to Macau is a vital factor in reviving Macao.There are eight main characters in the eight immortals crossing the sea, and they are all mortals who have attained enlightenment and become immortals.Based on the characters in the original story, eight stray cats were created to become immortal.Cats themselves have a sense of distance, but they can maintain a certain emotional connection with people. Has a similar relationship with the relationship between man and immortals.
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“8仙過大海” 系列作品,來自於中國知名的“8仙過海”傳說而發展 在港澳地區有一句話 [過大海],意思是去澳門賭博的意思,,因港澳只有一海之隔非常近. 澳門除了博彩業外,也積極地發展非博彩元素的旅遊業 (美食, 休閒娛樂, 文化古蹟等) 。 因此,遊客對澳門來說是非常重要的一環, 特別在經歷疫情後更為明顯;而旅客來澳數量, 更是令澳門起死回生的重要因素,以旅客來比喻 “仙人” 也不跨張。8仙過海中主要有8個人物, 他們都是由凡人得道成仙,而作品中以原故事的人物為原型,創作出8隻由流浪猫修道成仙的仙猫;猫本身自帶距離感,但又能與人保持一定的情感連結;和人與仙的關係有著相似性。
The "8 Immortals Crossing the Sea" series is based on the famous Chinese legend of "8 Immortals Crossing the Sea."There is a saying in Hong Kong and Macau [crossing the sea], which means to go to Macau to gamble, because Hong Kong and Macau are very close to each other.In addition to gambling, Macao is also actively developing tourism with non-gaming elements (food, leisure and entertainment, cultural relics, etc.) Therefore, visitors to Macau is a very important part, especially after experiencing the epidemic more obvious.The number of visitors to Macau is a vital factor in reviving Macao.There are eight main characters in the eight immortals crossing the sea, and they are all mortals who have attained enlightenment and become immortals.Based on the characters in the original story, eight stray cats were created to become immortal.Cats themselves have a sense of distance, but they can maintain a certain emotional connection with people. Has a similar relationship with the relationship between man and immortals.