在花園大屋祈禱 (澳門東方基金會) Praying in Casa-Garden (Oriental Foundation, Macau)
在花園大屋祈禱 (澳門東方基金會) / Praying in Casa-Garden (Oriental Foundation, Macau)
互動裝置 / 投影 / 有聲 Interactive installation / Projection /Sound
一隻過大海的猫仙來到花園大屋 (澳門東方基金會). 向她誠心祈禱 默許心中愿望吧 !
An immortal cat arrived at Casa Garden by crossing the sea. Pray to her sincerely and let your heart’s wishes be known.
在花園大屋祈禱 (澳門東方基金會) / Praying in Casa-Garden (Oriental Foundation, Macau)
互動裝置 / 投影 / 有聲 Interactive installation / Projection /Sound
一隻過大海的猫仙來到花園大屋 (澳門東方基金會). 向她誠心祈禱 默許心中愿望吧 !
An immortal cat arrived at Casa Garden by crossing the sea. Pray to her sincerely and let your heart’s wishes be known.